Volumetrix Serial

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Volumetrix SerialVolumetrixVolumetrix

Nov 2, 2017 - Результаты поиска по запросу 'unreal' в Яндекс.Видео. CiDRA Corporation, SONARtrac VF-100 - volumetric flow system, Serial, Hart, Driver/Autobuilding, Ready. CipherLab, CipherLab 1000 Bar Reader (Сканер штрих-кода CipherLab 1000), Serial, in-house protocol, Driver/Autobuilding, Ready. Circutor, CIRWATT (C) (D), Serial, Modem, GSM, Modbus, IEC 61107, Built-in/.

Сертификат партии в каждой упаковке! Are supplied with one batch certificate per packing unit of the manufacturer. This facilitates not only your initial performance verification, but also the monitoring of measuring equipment, as the data can directly be transferred from the certificate. Batch number and batch certificate All reusable BLAUBRAND® volumetric instruments have an easy-to-read digital batch number since 1997. The works certificate records the batch number, the mean value, the standard deviation of the batch and date of issue. 06.02 (Batch number: Year of Manufacture/Batch) Individual certificate Both, the instrument and the certificate, show an individual serial number in addition to the batch number. The works certificate records the measured volume, the uncertainty of measurement and the date of issue.

06.020756 (Individual serial number: Year of Manufacture/Batch/Consecutive Instrument Number) Certificate of performance (Works certificate) Batch and individual certificates are works certificates. Both are based on the regulations for test and calibration procedures of laboratory instruments according to DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN ISO 10 012-1 and ISO 4787. All certificates document the traceability of measuring results to national standards (PTB) which recognize the SI units (International System of Units). USP Individual certificate BLAUBRAND® volumetric instruments can be delivered with volume tolerances in compliance with United States Pharmacopoeia (USP). Each instrument is individually calibrated and checked. Both the instrument and the certificate show an individual serial number (showing the year of manufacture).

DAkkS Calibration certificate This calibration certificate is issued by the DAKKS calibration laboratory at BRAND. Due to the extensive international coop-eration of the DAkkS, (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH), (EA Agreement, ILAC-MRA) the DAkkS calibration certificate is internationally recognized. Mahamodo 8 2. Both the instrument and the certificate show the individual serial number and the year and month of issue.

Влияние двухкомпонентной гиполипидемической терапии, включающей эзетимиб и аторвастатин, на регрессирование атеросклеротических бляшек в коронарных артериях у больных, которым выполняли чрескожные вмешательства на коронарных артериях: результаты многоцентрового рандомизированного контролируемого исследования PRECISE-IVUS (Plaque Regression With Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitor or Synthesis Inhibitor Evaluated by Intravascular Ultrasound) (реферат) - Доказательная кардиология - 2015-03 - Издательство «Медиа Сфера». Источник: Tsujita K., Sugiyama S., Sumida H., et al. Impact of Dual Lipid-Lowering Strategy With Ezetimibe and Atorvastatin on Coronary Plaque Regression in Patients With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The Multicenter Randomized Controlled PRECISE-IVUS Trial.

J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;66:495—507. По сравнению с применением стандартной монотерапии статином сочетанный прием статина и эзетимиба сопровождается более выраженным регрессированием атеросклеротической бляшки, что может быть обусловлено более выраженным снижением концентрации липидов в крови за счет подавления абсорбции холестерина.